While we are on the subject of public school, you will notice that Ryan has significantly less hair in some of the following pictures than others. That is because the first day of Christmas break I found some friends in his hair and was too morning sick to feel like picking out all the nits. Buzz, buzz, buzz!
One of the parks here brought in a truckload of "snow" and dumped it in a pile on the parking lot so that these poor Texas kids could get their mittens out and play with some dirty slush. Isn't Evie's fashion choice awesome as usual?
Ryan insisted on seeing Santa at a local Christmas festivity, so we waited in line for FOREVER to see this creepy Santa. Ryan asked for a Link costume and Evie asked for long hair. Both requests were greeted with a "I hope you know what that means" glance to mom. Keegan was not so much into sitting on the lap of a creepy man in a red suit with a fake beard. Smart boy.
We thought: "Ryan has a lot of energy. Let's put him in sports." We realized: "Energy does not equate to productive team effort. Only running around a lot making a lot of noise and embarrassing his parents." He really loves his soccer cleats though. And he got a TROPHY. Big deal.
Evie figured out the toppling block tower problem. Masking tape. And you will notice her 1 1/2 inch 4 lb advantage over her younger brother. At least this time she has more hair!
We never ended up bagging the leaves. After they were piled they were just too much fun. For days. And now they have been rained on for almost two months straight. Like the drought never was.
I believe that there used to be frosting in that bowl.
This is our version of the Larrymobile. There are other cool buttons inside the cockpit and the wings used to stick out straight from the sides before three children jumped in...
Keegan's sad two year old birthday celebration cupcake. Does he care that there is no party? No.
When I last saw this pickle jar it was unopened. Now my six year old says his tummy doesn't feel so good. Really? Just in case you can't tell, that is a very large pickle jar.
thanks for the update. love all the pics of your kids. i didn't even recognize ryan with his short hair. cute. :) love the family picture up top too. i felt bad that we had to leave before we could skype with you guys a couple of weeks ago. let's do it again soon.